Sunday, November 22, 2015

America's Liberty Steak, Bryan McGinnis

The liberty stake, otherwise known as the hamburger, has been dominating America’s menu for more than a century. It’s popularity has reached globally and has been a staple piece of many cartoons, cinemas, merchandise, social media posts, and parties.  For a meal to be so famous it is often over looked and criticized. The hamburger  is essentially America’s best friend. There are a wide arrange of burgers that can adjust to anyone's preference. From cheeseburgers to turkey burgers all the way to the black bean burgers. The population of burger diversity is a model of a better life and frankly one we should show respect to.

Burgers have become essential for America’s economy.  Despite burgers producing millions of jobs, many activist suggest the
The liberty stake, otherwise known as the hamburger, has been dominating America’s menu for more than a century. It’s popularity has reached globally and has been a staple piece of many cartoons, cinemas, merchandise, social media posts, and parties.  For a meal to be so famous it is often over looked and criticized. The hamburger  is essentially America’s best friend. There are a wide arrange of burgers that can adjust to anyone's preference. From cheeseburgers to turkey burgers all the way to the black bean burgers. The population of burger diversity is a model of a better life and frankly one we should show respect to.
They’re more than just food, they are the heart of America. They are what brings families together and often allow many Americans an occupation. The Hamburger is America’s blood (ketchup), sweat (greasy), and tears (tears of happiness).
Together let’s support the consumption of burgers and keep America strong.
massacres of cows should be ended. If they only knew how much the burger supports this great country they would understand its importance. One cow is able to feed thousands of McDonalds costumers. A country without it’s burger is in essence a baby without it’s mom. We the people need to join together to keep health enthusiasts out of our burger joints.
They’re more than just food, they are the heart of America. They are what brings families together and often allow many Americans an occupation. The Hamburger is America’s blood (ketchup), sweat (greasy), and tears (tears of happiness).

Together let’s support the consumption of burgers and keep America strong.
1 Week Exhibition September 4- 11th
Lycoming College Fine Arts Student Gallery
Curator, Bryan W. McGinnis
Various Chefs
Burgers Featured:
State                                   Restaurant                   Name 
§Scottsdale, Arizona              The Lodge                 Lodge Burger
§Indianapolis, Indiana            BRU Burger Bar        Bourbon Burger
§Baton Rouge, Louisiana       Mason’s Grille           Cajun Shrimp Burger
§Richmond, Virginia               Carytown Burgers     Classic Burger Seared inside            and outside
§Sioux Falls, South Dakota    Bob’s                         Wild West Buffalo Burger
§Columbus, Ohio                    The Thurman Café    Thurmanator
§Portland, Main                       East Ender                Surf & Turf Burger

& Turf Burger

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